Hello friends and fans!! I wanted to remind everyone to head on over to my new blog at http://www.lyndsaydanielphotography.com and check out the newest contest – COSTUME CONTEST!!! Be sure to take pics of your little princess or monster and send it in for a chance to win great prizes!

Thank you to everyone who has followed this blog over the years. I don’t want to leave you all behind, so please join the new blog or follow me on Facebook.

Lyndsay Daniel Photography!! As of October 1st my new blogsite has been launched at http://www.lyndsaydanielphotography.com and comes complete with a new Facebook Page to match!

I know I’ve been MIA from here, but I’ve been working on getting the new site up and running so that I can start posting session updates again. Please, jump over to the new location and look around or visit me on Facebook. I’m so excited about this new chapter for my little business!

I know I said I am not going to blog sessions as sneak peeks anymore, but 1) I can’t help myself and 2) I’ve let myself get so far behind with this summer disappearing faster than I ever thought possible! So, let me introduce Ryan, my very tolerant-of-mosquitoes, 2012 Superior High School Senior!

Ryan really was great! I even took him on an unexpected hike through damp woods. At one point I’m pretty sure we were out numbered 200,000:2 with the mosquitoes. They were insane!! So, after about an hour of swatting and clicking I granted him a reprieve and we headed to a more open location and included a football and shotgun. Now that’s my kind of senior session! Thanks, again, Ryan! You were a real trooper and I am excited to show you the rest. Until then… here’s a sneak peek at a few I edited for you to see.


This one is my favorite!

I promise that I will have many more posts to come in the next few days. I have placed some orders, so it’s time to make good on my word. 🙂

I hate to say it, but I’m done with summer! Okay, I’m just done with the heat. The nice, beautiful, full trees and green grass can stay for a while, but I wouldn’t mind a major cool down. I already had to reschedule a family session because I couldn’t imagine happy kids and smiling parents when we’re all sweating just standing still!

So, with that, I’d like to get everyone thinking forward to our cooler months. Fall Mini Sessions Are BACK! I’m booking four 30 minute sessions for one day only, so don’t wait and make sure you grab your spot before they are all filled up!


To book, or if you have any questions, please contact me at LMPreciousdesigns@yahoo.com. The package fee must be paid within 10 days of booking to secure your mini session time slot. Upgrades can be made at the time of your order. Package fees are non-refundable. If weather prevents us from having the sessions on this date, there will be a designated rain date.

Don’t wait! It’s not too early to plan for Christmas cards and gifts!

Seriously, my senior last week was an absolute dream and I am having so much fun going through all the shots from her session! I know I said I wasn’t going to do sneak peeks, but I can’t help it. They are all just so dang cute! So, a quick glimpse into what I’m currently working on… Plus, I have a session with two awesome little boys on Saturday evening if the weather holds out. These two always give me a good giggle with their completely polar opposite personalities. Things are definitely in full swing as far as photo sessions go.

And before I share that wonderful image from last weekend, I want to make a quick announcement. I’m making some big changes as far as my business goes. Namely, a change in names! My blog will change locations, my email will change and you’ll soon be seeing me listed under a new operating name. And of course, big change means big rewards for my customers too! More to come later on that though. Until then…


The weather has been beautiful here in northern Wisconsin, so I took the girls on an impromptu drive to check out some old and new locations. The girls had a blast and were thoroughly exhausted by the time bedtime rolled around. Score one for Mommy!! So, I thought I’d share a couple of my own munchkins while I continue working on an awesome senior session from last weekend. I can’t wait to show everyone the sneak from this Superior High School graduate’s session. She was so fun, pretty and up for anything. Perfect combination! I’ll have those up soon. Until then…


And just for fun, one of the two of them from my baby’s girl’s 1 year photo session. I know, I know. I haven’t posted those yet. I haven’t gotten through all of them due to being side tracked several times, but you will see them soon.


So, after months of seeing this weekly photo challenge, I’ve decided to jump in with both feet. The weekly entries for this challenge are so fun to look at just to see how many different styles of photography are out there. The only rule for the I Heart Faces Photo Challenges is that there must be a human face in the picture. Anyway… without babbling too much I thought I’d share the image I chose to submit this week.

Happy Monday Everyone!!

My “Touch of Whimsy”

My big girl loves dandilions so much! She cried the first time Daddy mowed the lawn and all her “flowers” were gone. Don’t worry, I told her, they’ll be back. And back they were… the very next day with a vengence.

So, a couple of weeks ago the girls were outside playing. While Abby was “dandilion hunting” (read this as crawling across the lawn slamming her hand down on the big fluffy ball of dandilion seeds over and over again like a giant crushing a tiny village), my sweet Emilee was sitting off to the side silently blowing seeds all over the yard. She was so quiet and peaceful that I had to snap a shot of it. She’s such a ramrod, so to see her enjoying something so quiet made my heart smile. She never even realized the camera was pointed her direction!


Feel free to join in on the fun and enter your own Touch of Whimsy in this challenge at IHeartFaces.com


Thank you to everyone who has become a fan of my Facebook business page. I promised all of my fans that if we surpassed 400 fans on my page that I would do a special appreciation giveaway. Well, you all blew that number away. I’m sorry for the delay in posting this thank you, but I wanted to make sure I invite everyone to participate now that it is up and running.

Please visit my fan page to see what big goodie is on the block today and enter in the drawing by commenting on the giveaway post. Contest closes at 9:30am on Thursday and I will announce the winner shortly after. GOOD LUCK!

Okay, I’ve been slacking big time over here, so it’s time to get caught up and stay caught up. It shouldn’t be hard since June and early July are pretty booked, so there will be a bit more to post about over here. And that reminds me, if you are considering booking a summer session, please contact me asap. I have two openings left in each July and August!

Now, on with the show!! I promised a bigger share of the sessions after the orders were placed, so here goes.

A wonderful little family of three – The K Family!
collage for blog

The Dynamic One Year Old Duo – D & T

And I promised some one year shots of my baby too!! We have yet to find time to do her true one year session with smash cake and all, but it will be coming. Oh, and I felt guilty, so I had to add one of Big Sister from her End of the Year Princess Tea Party (she was a happy girl!!!)
kids for blog

And last, but not least, Memorial Day Weekend share. I had about 5 minutes to get some shots of my hubby and the girls before they would have been eaten to death by mosquitos, so forgive the less than stellar poses and all that jazz. They’re a wonderful memory of our first Memorial Day Weekend at the cabin as a family of four. 🙂
Memorial Day for BLog

Happy June Everyone!!!

The first business today is reporting who won the Cutest Kid Contest. It seems that this contest was all about the boys in the end. I watched the lead change hands several times throughout the week, but in the end the boys pulled into the top three spots. I’m happy to announce that our winners are:

Carter CKC


and Anthony

Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone who participated in our first challenge!

And now my sappy walk down memory lane…

One year ago today I was hugely pregnant and awaiting the arrival of our second baby girl. We were in the midst of moving out of our rental home and my goal was to induce labor through physical labor. Every day was spent packing box after box and loading it into the truck, then unloading it into storage. To my surprise it worked! After several trips to labor & delivery for contractions, racing heart, and other wonderful events that seem to accompany my pregnancies we found ourselves in the hospital once again on Memorial Day weekend. Not the most convenient time since my parents were our first back up for our oldest (they were at the cabin), my first best friend was our second back up (she was out of town) and we ended up dropping off a confused, but excited Emilee at my other best friend’s house with the promise that she’d get to play with her buddy, Drew. And of course, after labor slowed we were sent home anyway! But, two days later we were welcomed back into L&D where we soon met our Abigayle Kate, broken collar bone and all.

It’s amazing how fast a year goes by and how much things change! We are now in our much loved “home in the country,” Abby is a busy almost-toddler, and big sister is… well, a big sister!

So, in honor of our upcoming one year anniversary as a family of four I decided to wander back into some old folders and re-edit a couple of pictures from a year ago. I hope you enjoy them!

Proud Big Sister, Emilee, giving the belly some love – our final maternity shots.

Welcome to the world Abigayle Kate (Abbycakes) – this is actually a first edit. I have no idea why I didn’t edit any birth shots?!
Abby New

And finally… Abby’s first newborn session. I wish I knew then what I know now, but she was one of my first true newborns to play with!

I can’t believe my baby is going to be one next Wednesday! If I could, I’d freeze time. But, unfortunately, that little feature hasn’t been developed yet. 😦 So, for now I live vicariously through my photography. I love newborn sessions, the excitement of a new addition, those fleeting first few days of life, and that sweet baby smell… ahhhh!! I’m such a sap!

Next week I’ll hopefully have some true 1 year portraits of my ever-moving speed crawler. It’s amazing how much harder it is to photograph your own children than it is to photograph anyone else’s! Until then… have a very safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone!!